30/12/2024 0 Kommentarer
Inmurede sten i gavlen af kappelet.
Inmurede sten i gavlen af kappelet.
Inmurede sten i gavlen af kappelet.
# Nyheder
Udgivet mandag d. 30. december 2024 kl. 15:58

Inmurede sten i gavlen af kappelet.
In connection with the preparations for the repair and renovation of the roof of our chapel, a tombstone, probably a gravestone, was found built into the south gable.
If anyone knows the story of the stone and why it was placed in the south gable of our chapel, your churchwardens would love to hear from you. This is so that we can write the story of the stone and what thoughts were behind its embedding in the gable.
With kind regards and hope for the story of the stone in the gable
Bent Simonsen Churchwarden